Go Blue for Kids!

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Children’s Place Go Blue Rally! Wear Blue, Bring your signs!

Child with fists in the air to fight against child abuse

Community Members or Organizations – Everyone is welcome to come rally with us for the kids!

The Children’s Place Go Blue Rally
Friday April 4, 2025, 11:00-1:30 pm
Newcomb Park ( Intersection of Parks-Crusey), Wasilla Alaska

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The Children's Place Go Blue Hoodie

Go Blue Get Your Gear!

Get Your Limited Edition Hoodie!

Available for a Limited Time – Once they are gone, they are gone!

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Training & Literature

Abusive Head Trauma Shaken Baby Syndrome

This is a free prevention training for babysitting aged children to help them prevent brain trauma to infants, presented by The Children’s Place. Call today to schedule your training with one of our Family Advocates.

Free State of Alaska Mandatory Reporter Training

Participants will learn about Alaska child abuse & neglect laws and the impact abuse and neglect has on Alaska’s children. Learners will understand the magnitude of child abuse and neglect in Alaska, know which school district personnel are mandated reporters, and find agencies and organizations in Alaska that offer aid to victims’ families. This course also satisfies the requirement for training on sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention.

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training

Statement: Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children free child sexual abuse prevention training. Call today to schedule your training with R.O.C.K. Mat-Su.

Training provided by R.O.C.K. Mat-Su.

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